Monday, 9 November 2015

Best SEO Tips for Structuring URLs

Best SEO Tips for Structuring URLs

One of the most fundamental building blocks of SEO is the structure of domain names and URLs. With search engine optimization rules changing every now and then, it is always good time to update your knowledge of web design and search engine optimization from time to time. In this post, we will be looking at a few great practices that can boost your ranking on search engines.
Make it more human readable
When it comes to SEO, most online marketers focus on the search engine algorithms and forget about the human beings. The purpose of getting your website ranked high is so as to get more human traffic to your site. But what happens if your content is not human friendly? The answer is the high traffic will not amount to sales. To enjoy the benefit of repeat visitors, you need to make your content and URLs more readable. Use URLs that people can easily understand and memorize.
Use keywords in URLs
Keywords are crucial in search engine optimization. In your webdesign efforts, you have to ensure that most - if not all - of your URLs contain keywords. Keywords will help visitors know what the link is about. You should also consider adding a keyword in your domain name, if possible. Keywords will not only increase the chance of links being clicked but also help with SEO.

Use short URLs
A shorter URL is easy to understand and remember than a long one. The best URLs contain less than 100 characters. Search engines can process links of any length. Making the URLs shorter is for the benefit of the users. Shorter URLs are easy to parse, share, copy-and-paste and embed.
Match URLs to titles
Matching URLs to titles enables the users to know what they will find when they click on the link. As a result, this practice will increase the chances of a link being clicked.
Avoid keyword stuffing
When using keywords in your URLs, be wary of keyword stuffing. Keyword stuffing is pointless and can make your website look like a spam site. Avoid repetition.
Whether it is web design or link building you are interested in, it is always a good thing to involve an expert. Experts understand the rules better and will help achieve better results. When it comes to SEO in Antwerpen, Way2Web is one of the best companies you can contact for comprehensive services. With years of experience in the business and a team of highly trained staffs, you can expect the best results in web design and SEO.

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