Tuesday, 23 December 2014

How to make a better work environment?

How to make a better work environment?

A positive work environment makes employees feel good about coming to work, and they feel very much motivated for their work.

There are some ways to create a work environment much better:-

Generate Ownership:

 For any organization if we want to create a better work environment then we have to make them owner of the company. Before any founder/co-founder an employee is owner of the company. Did we say employee????
Arrrrrgghhhhhh, no we are wrong not employee we need to say team members. If we are going to forget this motto then everything is going to be lost.

Be Team lead rather than a boss

Boss culture can give slaves but it cannot create autonomous team members. I would like to be called first employee rather than boss.  So everyone is that much clever to decide what they want?

Open communication:-

In essence, a transparent and open form of communication addresses the team members need to feel that what they have to say has value. It is what makes team members feel that they belong in the organization. It is thus essential for staff to discuss the organization’s philosophy, mission and values, from time to time during retreats, meetings, etc to ensure that everyone knows what they’re working. Everyone becomes more united with the organization’s mission in their mind. There is mutual respect among all employees, regardless of their official statuses. This is when employees will not be afraid to suggest ideas to improve the work processes, thus benefiting everyone in the organization in return.

Training & Development-Focused:-
 It is necessary for organizations to be keeping abreast with the changes and train their team members accordingly. A training and development-focused organization has a clear roadmap for training their employees to sustain and enhance the productivity of the organization as a whole. A positive work environment would have routine trainings to improve efficiency and instill positive attitudes among employees.

Recognition for Good work:-
Rewards are necessary to encourage certain behaviors in persons. This is known as positive reinforcement under operant conditioning in the field of psychology. It is used in organizational behavior management as well: by rewarding team members who put in effort for their work, this will promote similar behaviors in the future.

Strong Team Spirit:-
A strong team spirit is not easy because it involves the acceptance and tolerance of differences in perspectives and working styles between teammates. There is a need for them to see that they’re working towards a common goal before they can look beyond the differences. I, me and mine these words are not part of the team, it’s only we. Failure and success both cannot be a copyright of single person.

Band of Bros:-

Have team-bonding activities that let the team focus on the positive sides of each member and negate the negative ones. Celebrate events like birthdays for each member of your team to show the exclusivity. Deal with issues together. Basically, whatever it is that you do, do it as a team.
Think about it:-

**When team spirit is strong, members will be inclined to support whatever decision made as a team without raising any valid objections**

We can create such environment where employees respect each other in an organization. We can do, involves setting the right tone at work-- Not fear? Creating a positive work environment will yield far better results for employees and company.

Clear communication
 Good communication between a team lead and his or her team members is essential for a positive working relationship. Team members need to understand what we want them to accomplish, but we also need to have an idea of what they expect from ours. There should be an equal amount of communication from organization and team members.

Listen to everyone’s ideas
Set up specific times during the day to open office door and allow employees to bounce ideas off in front of team. Encourage team members, especially the more quiet employees, by asking for input directly—that will help cement the fact that everyone’s input is important.

Show Your Trust:-
You have to trust that they will do a good job—after all, you hired them for a reason. While you should be periodically checking in with your team members, You don’t want to be overbearing about it.

Have Some Fun:-
There are many ways you can be both fun and professional. Allow your team mates to decorate their work spaces to show off their personalities—even have small contests for the best decorated desk. Encourage employees to take breaks during the day and they’ll be happier and more productive.

               All Bright, All the Time

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