Monday, 18 April 2016

Two Key Point of Marketing Strategy

Two Key Point of Marketing Strategy

"You decide how competitive you want to be"
Marketing is total system of business activities designed to plan, price, promote, and distribute want-satisfying product to target markets in order to achieve organizations objectives.
There is a fun fact too, and it will make you question yourself "Is this marketing?" it is the query that bugs the business enterprises. It is like this, gaining the attention of prospective customer which has become increasingly difficult as the number and variety of healthy competitors increases day by day. Previously Brand names on T-shirts were a novelty: today it is hard to find a shirt without an advertisement on it. Advertising now appears in public restrooms, in the sand on beaches, and at the bottom of the cups on golf course putting greens.

The two key points which should be kept in mind while planning marketing/ advertising strategy are:
§  Get your business card
As with the changing time, when we are moving towards nearly a paperless offices more and more, card is still a mainstay of business. As the card is a very convenient way of marketing not just your product but your identity too. Your business card does not just show who you are but it also shows in short what you are, they are very strong in giving voice and impression to your identity. Till now if you haven't got a card that you can give out to your prospective clients, then you are missing out a key marketing opportunity. So not to let this opportunity go, you must get your card designed as soon as possible. And what if you have got a card, but it is poorly designed? This may also not become fruitful. So not only holding, but the look and feel of it is also important. It must be designed in such an effective way that it can have potential to elevate your business above your competitors. And here is one such service provider who can make your card appealing according to your's taste and satisfaction.

 Get your business catalogue
Catalogue is a booklet where you present the complete list of services or products you provide in a summarized way. It acts as an integrated part of marketing and communication strategy of your company. When you design product catalogue targeting customers, you should think like them: what would they want to know if they were to avail certain services or purchase products. It is important to keep the needs of the prospective client in mind while designing the product catalogue. It should ensure all the information must be relevant to the fact and that it will help you generate more business. Having images of the product is a good idea: it registers faster in the minds of the prospective customers and clients and helps them decide faster if they like it or not. Presentation makes all the difference.
For more information, please visit :

Monday, 11 April 2016

Need Of In Digital World

Need Of In Digital World

Search Engine Optimization is a strategy of increasing the number of visitors to a         particular website by affecting the visibility of website or webpage in a search engine. 
It is used as a one of the main internet marketing strategy for all kind of business that is operated online. It increases the traffic of website by improvising the rank of site. Usually internet users do not want to go through the pages and pages of search result, so where a site ranks in a search result is essential for directing more traffic towards the site. And more frequently a site appears in the search engine list, the more visitors it will receive.
SEO works by performing a series of several activities like crawling, indexing, processing, calculating relevancy and finally retrieving results in order to deliver search results.
As the search engine shows result to users in response to queries submitted by them as keywords, Keywords plays a vital role for the SEO of any website. So, the right keyword research is the first step to successful SEO strategy. While selecting a key word, relevance, privacy and accuracy of it should be kept in mind.
Search Engine Optimization (Trihari Smart Solutions) is expert in the field of SEO and other IT services like web designing and development. They go through your website, do thorough research, understand your needs and then select the keywords to get the genuine visitors to you website.

Other than improvising site rank on search engine, the benefits of SEO are:
§     It enhance greater brand exposure and awareness.
§         It is cost effective.
§        It acts as an avenue for sales and qualified leads.
§       It invites more potential customers to the site.
§      It is a 24 × 7 marketing strategy as a company can be found via the web day or night.
While going through the process there are some aspects other than keywords that should be kept in mind such as regular content update friendly website design which includes the content and structure of the website.
Trihari Smart Solutions provides you the websites which are compatible to a search engine algorithm. Moreover a website can be made SEO friendly by efficiently formatting the code, content and structure of the site, making it more keyword rich.
Some of the aspects of SEO friendly website:
§  Content of the site must be updated regularly and should be rich with keywords.
§         Page titles should be accurate as page titles content is displayed in search results. And from the page title only users decide whether the page is relevant to their search or not. Page title should be selected according to the content of the page, it should be unique for different pages.
§       URLs of the page must be simple to understand and it should contain relevant words 
     that convey the content information easily.

§         Website must ensure the ease of navigation.
Remember, search engine optimization is not a one day task it is a continuous process, so it may take some time to get high rank (sometimes 3 – 8 months depending on the business and number of competitors). And Search engines such as Google often update their relevancy algorithm dozens of times every month. So, when you see changes in your rankings inspite of good SEO, it is due to an algorithmic shift or something else beyond your control. However improvising a website for SEO escalates its rank on the search engine results pages.

 For more information, please visit :