Saturday, 12 September 2015

What is an HTML to PDF Converter?

What is an HTML to PDF Converter?

When you visit a website, almost often you will be greeted with an HTML page. There will be times when you are so attracted to the website and its contents that you want to share it with your friends or family which is why you need to convert HTML to PDF.
It Is Not That Simple
Sending it just like you saw it in the screen of your PC or laptop, is not as easy as you think. If you want to share it with others, there are two things you can do:
a) Send them an email indicating the website address. But if you fail to correctly copy the url address, they won't be able to access the website, or b) You can create a link of the url address and mention it in your email. The problem is: do you know how to do that?
A third and very easy option is to use an HTML to PDF converter, so that you can attach the converted file to your email message. Your social circle will just have to download that file once they receive your email.
The Function of the HTML to PDF Converter
As most website pages are created as HTML pages, they need to be converted in order that they can be shared by people through email or blogs, archived, used as advertising materials, or made into booklets.
This is what some pdf library for .net is doing. They convert HTML web pages to editable PDF file so that people who need them has the choice of saving them, editing them, or making several copies of them.
The converter is special software that is used to convert the data from an HTML page to the PDF file. In other words, the file is converted from one format to another. Since the objective format is PDF, the converter is then called an HTML PDF converter.
Kinds of PDF Converter
Because of the popularity of this converter, and the growing complexities of internet technologies, many software developers have created their own proprietary PDF converters.
Professional PDF converters, as their word implies, are able to do complex conversions from one format to another. Of course you have to pay for the software if you want to use their advance capabilities.
These types of converters are mostly used by those who need to convert volumes upon volumes of documents. If they will do that with a freeware PDF converter, they will consume so much time and effort. 
But if you are just an ordinary user, such as a student, a housewife, a small businessman, or the like, you don't need to pay for a PDF converter. There are hundreds of free PDF converter programs being offered on the internet.

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