HTML5 was a great leap
forward for web developers. It gave us all kinds of hip new tags like <header>, <nav>and <footer>. It also gave us slick new
JavaScript APIs like drag and drop, localStorage, and geolocation. Still,
however, there is a void that HTML5 has yet to fill and that void is truly
semantic markup.
being able to mark something up the way you want to mark it up. Imagine
changing <div
id="wrapper"> to <wrapper> or a better example, making a calendar
<month name="January">
<!-- ...and so on -->
better yet, how about finally adding support for new types of media by simply
changing the media type rather than having to come up with whole new tags for
like <img>, <embed>, <video>, <audio>,
and so on? For example, wouldn't it be nice to just simply
do: <html:media src="my-audio-file.aac"
type="aac"> and let the browser deal with how to render it?
web is moving towards a giant app store and we need to embrace it. The markup
we use shouldn't work against us, it should work for us. This spec is to do
just that. To finally break free of fatuous rules and standards and to give us,
developers, total freedom to code as we please bringing the web a more
semantic, clean, and human readable markup.
The Concept
HTML6 is
conceptually HTML with XML like namespaces. If you don't know XML, or don't
know what XML namespaces are they're basically a way to allow you to use the
same tag without it conflicting with a different tag. You've probably actually
seen one before in the XHTML DOCTYPE:xmlns:xhtml=""
In HTML6 we take
advantage of this ingenious concept by giving us freedom to use whatever tag we
want by the W3C reserving namespaces and not tags. The W3C would basically
reserve the right to all namespaces, and each namespace they reserve will
trigger a different HTML API.
So, what does this look
like? Below is an example of a full HTML6 document. We'll go over each tag and
attributes in the API section.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html:title>HTML6 Sample</html:title>
<html:meta type="title" value="Page Title">
<html:meta type="description" value="This is an example
of HTML with namespaces">
<html:link src="css/main.css" title="Main Styles" type="text/css">
<html:link src="js/main.js" title="Main Script" type="text/javascript">
<html:media type="image" src="images/logo.png">
<html:a href="/cats">Cats</a>
<html:a href="/dogs">Dogs</a>
<html:a href="/rain">Rain</a>
<h1>This is my main article
<h2>This is my sub head</h2>
<h1>A cool video!</h1>
<h2>Pay attetion to the
media elements</h2>
<html:media type="video" src="vids/funny-cat.mp4" autostart controls>
<p>Man, that was a stupid
<copyright>This site is ©
to Oscar Godson 2009</copyright>
As you'll see, there are some weird <html:x> tags throughout this sample. Those are the namespaced
elements that belong to the W3C and HTML6 spec. These elements trigger browser
events. For example, the<html:media
type="image"> element
will make an image appear or, the <html:title> element makes the title bar of the browser change and
so on.
All those other elements are just
for you. None of those elements mean anything to the browser. They're simply
hooks for CSS and JS and to make your code more semantic. The HTML elements you
see in there like<p> or the <h1> tags are just because I like using those as ways to
markup paragraphs or the most important header, but I could have used <paragraph>, <text>, or <helloworldanythingiwant>.
It's whatever
makes sense to you and your application.
Details about APIs
of the following tags in this API have the namespace html like: <html:title>
begins a HTML document. Equivelent to the current <html> tag.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- rest of HTML would go
here -->
begins an HTML's head. Equivelent to the current <html> tag.
The tag contains data that isn't actually displayed (aside from the <html:title> which
is displayed in the browser's windows). Rather, it's purpose is to get data and
scripts that affect the display of the content in the <html:body>.
These scripts and other sources include things like JavaScript, CSS, RSS feeds,
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- Head content here, like
the <html:title> tag -->
is the title of the HTML document. Equivalent to the current <title> tag.
Browsers will use this for the tab bar, favorites, etc. and search engines will
use this as the title of their links
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html:title>HTML6 Spec Version 0.1</html:title>
is a bit different then the current HTML version. Meta data in HTML6 can be
anything. Unlike HTML now, there are no required or non-standard meta types.
It's used to store content for you as a developer, or for other sites as a way
to grab information such as a page description.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html:title>HTML6 Spec Version 0.1</html:title>
<html:meta type="description" value="This is an example
of HTML with namespaces">
links external documents and scripts such as CSS, JavaScript, RSS, favicons,
etc. to the current document. Equivalent to the current <link> tag.
This tag takes the following attributes:
- charset: The
character encoding such as "UTF-8".
- href: The
link to the source file.
- media: The
type of device the item should run on, for example, "mobile" or
- type: The
MIME type of the document, for example, text/javascript.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html:title>HTML6 Spec Version 0.1</html:title>
<html:link src="js/main.js" title="Main Script" type="text/javascript">
This is
the body of the HTML document. Equivalent to the current <body> tag.
This is where you'd place most of the stuff that would be visible to the users
like text, media, and so on.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html:title>HTML6 Spec Version 0.1</html:title>
<!-- Your web page's content
would go here -->
tag represents either an anchor on the page, or a link to another web page.
Equivalent to the current <a>tag. The <html:a> tag
takes one required attribute which is the href which directs the
anchor or link where to go. For an anchor you'd use the syntax #id-of-element-to-link-to and
for a link to another web page you'd simply insert the link like
available to the <a> tag are:
- href
- name
- target (can
be blank, parent, top or self)
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html:title>HTML6 Spec Version 0.1</html:title>
href="">Go to!</html:a>
to <button> or <input type="button"> in
HTML<=5, the <html:button> tag allows you to create a button
for user interaction on a page.
available to the <html:button> tag are:
- disabled
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html:title>HTML6 Spec Version 0.1</html:title>
<html:button>Push me!</html:button>
tag encapsulates what we now have for media which are tags like <img>, <video>, <audio>, <embed>,
and so on. Instead of a tag for each file type, the browser will just know how
to run it by the type attribute, or will make a guess based on the
file extension, or lastly, by the MIME type.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html:title>HTML6 Spec Version 0.1</html:title>
<!-- Image -->
<html:media src="images/logo.jpg" type="image">
<!-- Video, shows you don't
"need" a type -->
<html:media src="videos/">
<!-- Some made up format,
browser will ignore if it doesn't know it -->
<html:media src="misc/" type="abc">
B - HTML Forms
Forms are separate from the HTML API to allow development on forms to not have
to slow down for the entire HTML spec. Forms are constantly evolving with
Sliders, color pickers, date and time pickers, progress bars and more. Forms
really are sort of their own "thing" in HTML, so in HTML6 we've
broken them into their own API.
tag creates a new form. Has two attributes, method and action.
As with current HTML forms, method can be POST or GET (they
can be lowercase too) and will send the form with that as the HTTP header. More
details on GET and POST can be found at The action attribute
tells the form where to send the data. By default the "method" is set
to GET and the "action" is the current page.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html:title>HTML6 Spec Version 0.1</html:title>
<form:form method="post" action="/sendmail">
<!-- Form inputs and stuff go
here -->
tag creates a new form input. Any type of form input that you can enter text
into would be an input. In HTML currently this includes everything from a plain
old text input to a <textarea> and would also include HTML5
style for inputs like email and url. The full list of possible
input types are:
- text
- email
- url
- tel
- search
- number
- datetime
- date
- month
- week
- time
- datetime-local
- textarea
- password
- file -
possible attributes on an input are:
- name
- disabled
- readonly
- placeholder
- autofocus
- required
- novalidate
following are attributes that will work on any input except file inputs:
- maxlength
- autocomplete
- pattern
- spellcheck
- match -
This is new to HTML6, give it a name of a field you want it to require a
match on.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html:title>HTML6 Spec Version 0.1</html:title>
<form:form method="post" action="/sendmail">
<!-- Simple input (defaults
to text) -->
<!-- A new HTML6 match example -->
<form:input type="password" name="user_password">
<form:input type="password" match="user_password">
<!-- Advanced example -->
<form:input type="email" placeholder="" autofocus required>
The <form:select> tag
lets a user select from options rather than input anything. For example an
HTML<=5<select> would be close to the same. Some others would be
a calendar, color picker, and range because these are predefined values in
which you choose from.
The possible input types
follow along with attributes that are specific to it:
- select - (multiple)
- color
- calendar - (range)
- meter - (range, step)
Attributes that work for
all select types are:
- name
- readonly
- disabled
- required
- autofocus
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html:title>HTML6 Spec Version 0.1</html:title>
<form:form method="post" action="/scheduler">
<!-- Normal select -->
<html:select type="select" name="favorite_color">
<!-- Calendar example -->
<html:select type="calendar" name="the_calendar" range="10/10/10-10/10/11">
The <form:status> tag
allows you to give feedback, or a "status" update to your users. Useful
for an upload progress bar or steps in a multi-page form, for example. These
are similar to the <progress> and <meter>elements in
- progress
- meter
Attributes that work for
all status types are:
- min
- max
- value
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html:title>HTML6 Spec Version 0.1</html:title>
<form:form method="post" action="/upload">
<!-- Example showing
"steps" in a form -->
<form:status type="meter" min="1" max="3" value="2">
<message>You're currently on step
2 of 3</message>
<!-- Example showing an
upload progress bar -->
<form:status type="progress" max="100" value="25">
The <form:label> tag
allows you to label inputs for the user. It links text to an input and when
click will focus on the connected input. It matches the label's for attribute
to the id of any form element.
that work for the <form:label> tag are:
- for
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html:title>HTML6 Spec Version 0.1</html:title>
<form:form method="post" action="/login">
<form:label for="username">Username</form:label>
<form:input id="username" name="username">
<form:label for="password">Password</form:label>
<form:input id="password" name="password" type="password">
like <input type="submit"> in HTML<=5, <form:submit> will
create a button which submits your form. If a submit button is present in a
form, pressing enter while focused inside of a form will submit it.
that work for the <form:submit> tag are:
- name
- value
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html:title>HTML6 Spec Version 0.1</html:title>
<form:form method="post" action="/login">
<form:input name="username">
<form:input name="password" type="password">
<form:submit name="submit" value="submit">
Tag types
HTML6, like in all previous HTML versions, there are two types of tags: single
tags and double tags. Single tags can't have any text content, they only have
attributes. This is an example of single tag (both elements are interpreted the
same way):
<html:meta type="author" content="m93a">
<html:meta type="author" content="m93a" />
the double tag, the single tag doesn't need to be closed. Double tags usually have
some text content so they are made of an opening and closing tag. If it has no
text content, it can be shortened to the self-closing single variant. Examples:
<html:link href="./a.html">Text
<!-- This shortand... -->
<foo class="bar" />
<!-- ...means in fact this: -->
<foo class="bar"></foo>
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