Monday, 13 April 2015

Scratch start into quality project

How to convert a scratch start into quality project

Everyone wants to make quality projects, but some of them successful in this task.
Answer is below with certain questions.
How do we plan our project from scratch to end?
Before starting a project we should do a proper paper work. Because on the basis of memory we can't run our project efficiently. The strong paper work done will convert your project in reality.
Do we have sufficient information related to our project?
We should have sufficient information to start our project. Before initializing anything we should do proper field work of the existing or related systems. So that we would be able to know what we are going to make.
Do we have proper resources?
It's better to say no for a project if we don't have proper resource. It can increase the time and cost of the project. These resources include our technical resources.
Do we have proper modular structure for our project?

Before starting a project we should divide it into modules. And of these modules we should be able to find the critical modules. By the means of critical module is, modules which can affect the completion of the project. Critical modules should be worked first. If anything in the project which you don't know how to deal that should be kept into critical module and should be worked first.

Soon i will be posting how to use project management in the practice. With some real world examples and case studies.

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